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发表于 2016-10-29 22:10:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
. O' X; z1 V. }& V# [(系统是win7旗舰版,不知道为什么日志里是XP,电脑是新电脑,16G内存,跪求帮助)
( P: j$ A/ J' f- `4 \3 r/ AHomeworld2.exe caused an Access Violation in module Homeworld2.exe at 0023:006ddfb0.
2 j6 u4 f* X" @/ X& dError occurred at 10/29/2016 15:22:08.5 l. t" `: ]) k+ y
Homeworld2.exe, run by Administrator.+ ^2 c; D% h) T$ ^
Microsoft Windows XP?.1 X3 _) P- R# X0 b1 O) J
8 processor(s), type 586.
, m2 p( Q% G( }7 C  _: K; e4 p% M0 MBytes physical memory.
. k& ], ^0 E2 F- |. FWrite to location 451ebfb5 caused an access violation.  k/ G9 _) b7 d/ O! a

3 s" X  w  t- `7 NMiniDump failed to save.9 E& L& p) z# u" t# d, v/ E

! q8 u7 ]& e- XRegisters:
7 h6 v, X6 s: Y' yEAX=451ebfb5 CS=0023 EIP=006ddfb0 EFLGS=00010206
7 Z( t8 F5 v0 `5 n7 D$ ZEBX=0f34b4c8 SS=002b ESP=0018f414 EBP=0000005c4 y& e  k3 h2 e, h8 u( B0 s/ ?/ \3 a3 g
ECX=00000000 DS=002b ESI=00000000 FS=0053
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Call Stack:
4 }+ M* T# c! Z) @8 M) l
" U' F8 l0 @3 e7 p+ I* OStack dump:4 H6 l* k1 @+ H/ u+ w
0018f414: 0f34b524 0f34b4c8 0018f4e4 00865c30 00010000 c57bb9ec 4514d8d0 470fe78a
3 C. A# B3 v& C! C+ \- V; y0018f434: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0f34b4c8 00000000 00000000 00000000
4 ~7 n" a* }& w" T4 F7 h0018f454: 3f800000 0f34b4c8 0f34b4e4 bf731edf 80000000 3ea05ab5 0018f500 0018f484* [% h+ |3 a& O- z* h& j2 Z% F2 P0 m
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0018f494: 012f1408 0018f4b0 012da891 0018f4cc 0f34b524 00000003 00865c30 0018f4c4
' @6 v6 J8 E; L: X& p0018f4b4: 012daf13 0018f4c0 08c36688 08c36688 0018f4dc 012db4b5 00000003 0f34b524
$ s. o5 m% |- I5 @+ s0018f4d4: 006dde3e 0018fdf0 00768305 ffffffff 00000101 006de699 0f154948 0f3488a0* C8 ^! y% y9 \1 H
0018f4f4: 1d177b64 1d16db3c 0f34b401 0f34b400 006d5683 0018f550 0018f560 00865c303 F8 i0 C! \4 w6 p
0018f514: 006d43b2 0f1336e0 0f133708 0f133714 00afe640 00afdcc0 11655ce0 000000008 w% w3 X. a# w9 n- c: ~
0018f534: 00000000 00afe601 11655c00 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000' I; G, u- Z& v/ j* f0 i$ ?
0018f554: 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000 005eac95 00000000 11655e00 11655c00 11655ce0
+ m( L8 F& X" D8 i& m/ Z( [0018f574: 15186b10 0018fdfc 00000000 3d532039 44c23200 3d532039 00000004 000000015 E9 v0 Z- i1 S
0018f594: 0fffffff 3f800000 ; c( u: R$ J/ b) r6 S

0 I7 v/ ?% h! F! [7 cModule list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
8 ~0 G' c# s% C2 v1 _8 ?5 z4 dE:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Debug.dll, loaded at 0x00030000 - 14336 bytes - 5759dced - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:40
- y! D! V( ?5 T6 k4 u. `C:\Windows\syswow64\MSASN1.dll     , loaded at 0x001d0000 - 34304 bytes - 4ce7b8c9 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:23:50
) G; w  [& g# q7 b  M, X! q; ?E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\lua.dll, loaded at 0x002f0000 - 76288 bytes - 5759dcf1 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:30( E- z' V8 g. H
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\LuaConfig.dll, loaded at 0x00320000 - 49664 bytes - 5759dd0a - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:56) Y% `  P8 O0 L" M7 [6 o
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\FileIO.dll, loaded at 0x00340000 - 129024 bytes - 5759dd07 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:42' r) }( c; |- k! P4 e
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\ZLib.dll, loaded at 0x00380000 - 48640 bytes - 5759dcf8 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:40
9 p$ m5 G% U# e0 P# e, vE:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Platform.dll, loaded at 0x003b0000 - 66560 bytes - 5759dd0e - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:34
$ ]# i( T) r+ I1 D" b- S8 pE:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Localizer.dll, loaded at 0x003e0000 - 53760 bytes - 5759dd0a - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:542 m8 w$ L: }- n: U2 |
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Homeworld2.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 5171648 bytes - 5759de4a - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:30% d1 c0 X. t, |; }
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Util.dll, loaded at 0x00920000 - 26624 bytes - 5759dd11 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:56  W% t8 ^/ J! C& ~5 B
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\HW2Box.dll, loaded at 0x00940000 - 15360 bytes - 5759dcf1 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:54$ ^4 W9 n  J8 i/ N
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Console.dll, loaded at 0x00960000 - 13824 bytes - 5759dd11 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:40  y. W9 V2 b1 h+ [
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\SteamLobby.dll, loaded at 0x00980000 - 31744 bytes - 5759dd11 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:360 l+ n" e, [$ ~3 \' t
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Objects.dll, loaded at 0x00a90000 - 1149440 bytes - 5759dd4d - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:56
1 ~8 q1 d* E2 Z2 I( pE:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\DCWindow.DLL, loaded at 0x01170000 - 35840 bytes - 5759dcf1 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:42
& s- |# B9 s& O2 F( JE:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\GL.DLL, loaded at 0x012d0000 - 141312 bytes - 5759dd14 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:424 u9 K/ G" ^  p4 Y5 V
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\seFDAudio.dll, loaded at 0x08840000 - 37376 bytes - 5759dcf0 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:36
) o/ @5 u( M& |1 m" ?& [& EE:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\seDXAudio.dll, loaded at 0x08860000 - 22016 bytes - 5759dcf0 - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:34" u# o) M- |5 P0 k% i& [& b& N
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\Memory.dll, loaded at 0x10000000 - 44032 bytes - 5759dcee - file date is 10/7/2016 02:48:562 s, g2 Q4 @; R
E:\STEAM\steamclient.dll           , loaded at 0x38000000 - 10237728 bytes - 57fedad4 - file date is 10/13/2016 09:58:348 M' {9 J3 Y1 k+ f1 K. I4 H: o
E:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Homeworld\Homeworld2Classic\bin\Release\steam_api.dll, loaded at 0x50170000 - 145600 bytes - 53ff983d - file date is 10/7/2016 02:49:38; |; S: L# Y3 p5 l! Z& A) |. M
C:\Windows\system32\MSVCP110.dll   , loaded at 0x501a0000 - 535008 bytes - 50988595 - file date is 11/5/2012 18:50:524 e  Z4 y* z1 k; i, H! \% ?. `
C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR110.dll   , loaded at 0x50400000 - 875472 bytes - 5098858e - file date is 11/5/2012 18:50:525 m- b$ _# `8 m. ]; |2 b3 ?
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d11.dll      , loaded at 0x55490000 - 522752 bytes - 4ce7b7b0 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:23:56
  I$ b$ D# O5 c6 _; sC:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxdiagn.dll    , loaded at 0x55520000 - 210432 bytes - 4ce7b818 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:24" a6 [" d6 w) f
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C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d10.dll      , loaded at 0x582a0000 - 1030144 bytes - 4a5bd9a0 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:08
' n: E4 T& t* `0 [( VC:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d10_1core.dll, loaded at 0x584e0000 - 219136 bytes - 4ce7b7ac - file date is 11/21/2010 11:23:50
( |5 f7 |+ o' H+ |C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d10_1.dll    , loaded at 0x58520000 - 161792 bytes - 4a5bd9a1 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:08; L4 q6 C4 U; S5 w2 V8 w
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxgi.dll       , loaded at 0x58550000 - 508416 bytes - 4ce7b819 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:10
' B$ F4 V, A/ J/ bE:\STEAM\DbgHelp.dll               , loaded at 0x58c70000 - 1039192 bytes - 460c0089 - file date is 3/30/2007 04:44:10
  _1 V5 c: l. v9 `7 Y. sE:\STEAM\Steam2.dll                , loaded at 0x58d90000 - 2882984 bytes - 52fd784f - file date is 2/14/2014 10:04:24
  o& ~/ c( ^; g0 }* l7 pE:\STEAM\steam.dll                 , loaded at 0x59060000 - 380704 bytes - 57fed986 - file date is 10/13/2016 09:58:28
8 ^' ?4 ]3 y& U4 I" u9 w+ ^! j$ SE:\STEAM\gameoverlayrenderer.dll   , loaded at 0x5c8a0000 - 1090336 bytes - 57fed9ff - file date is 10/13/2016 09:58:28
2 h7 B4 M( k3 v' ^. B1 u: u' A! ?C:\Windows\system32\winbrand.dll   , loaded at 0x5d7f0000 - 12800 bytes - 4a5bdb39 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:20
2 W1 a& G* ?; SE:\STEAM\CSERHelper.dll            , loaded at 0x60000000 - 122864 bytes - 43dae554 - file date is 11/13/2008 01:43:56
* \9 Z. M7 t4 L/ b$ o. [$ xC:\Windows\system32\MSACM32.dll    , loaded at 0x61870000 - 72192 bytes - 4a5bda4e - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:44
8 l2 ^" J0 h  D8 }0 CC:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll   , loaded at 0x61ad0000 - 213504 bytes - 4ce7b892 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:23:52
1 O/ d- u6 V" z) S9 eC:\Windows\system32\AUDIOSES.DLL   , loaded at 0x61b10000 - 195584 bytes - 542dfe75 - file date is 10/3/2014 09:44:28  A0 b+ `+ J7 n; K
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\TaobaoProtect\TaobaoProtectSE.dll, loaded at 0x62510000 - 582624 bytes - 54d09a37 - file date is 10/6/2016 17:52:36- {! l3 @7 D0 M% I$ \# g
C:\Windows\system32\avrt.dll       , loaded at 0x640f0000 - 14336 bytes - 4a5bd998 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:00
+ h+ P; w& [3 f1 TC:\Windows\system32\DSOUND.dll     , loaded at 0x64fc0000 - 453632 bytes - 4a5bd9fd - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:14
5 f, k/ A# F: q9 ]+ V6 |C:\Windows\system32\nvoglv32.DLL   , loaded at 0x68ed0000 - 28214840 bytes - 57dc6f98 - file date is 9/17/2016 08:46:10
- ^2 T3 ^) U1 x: yC:\Windows\system32\DDRAW.dll      , loaded at 0x6abb0000 - 531968 bytes - 4a5bd9b8 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:12
4 x% |+ P8 b! UC:\Windows\system32\opengl32.dll   , loaded at 0x6b010000 - 791552 bytes - 4a5bdadb - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:14
% T$ U, |, ^5 U4 ]E:\STEAM\vstdlib_s.dll             , loaded at 0x6b910000 - 284960 bytes - 57fed9f2 - file date is 10/13/2016 09:58:36
% y" [6 F+ r! V" J% UC:\Windows\system32\GLU32.dll      , loaded at 0x6ba70000 - 130048 bytes - 4a5bd9df - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:24
) I2 q* o/ l- S2 UC:\Windows\system32\DCIMAN32.dll   , loaded at 0x6bc90000 - 10240 bytes - 57364c0d - file date is 5/14/2016 05:49:48% O* g4 N" H: g( n; J9 `5 `" ^& D
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C:\Windows\system32\sfc_os.DLL     , loaded at 0x6ea90000 - 40960 bytes - 4a5bdb02 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:163 f% ^2 r7 e: D4 \  ?
C:\Windows\system32\MPR.dll        , loaded at 0x6eaa0000 - 64000 bytes - 4a5bda36 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:42
% z: t$ J" p/ k* L$ wC:\Windows\system32\sfc.dll        , loaded at 0x6ec70000 -  2560 bytes - 4a5bdb01 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:10:24& X; Z% W" v* P. j- Q6 S
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C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll     , loaded at 0x70700000 - 242936 bytes - 4a5bdae0 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:17:56
) r; ?1 D! b' y4 e1 E+ u* a# w+ jC:\Windows\system32\UxTheme.dll    , loaded at 0x70740000 - 245760 bytes - 4a5bdb3c - file date is 7/14/2009 09:11:26
$ Y  p5 S( z- YC:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll    , loaded at 0x707c0000 - 78848 bytes - 4a5bda3d - file date is 7/14/2009 09:15:085 [. Q$ l# I+ e5 s/ b# z7 ^# ~
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$ @+ m* r7 ]9 [. wC:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, loaded at 0x70840000 - 29184 bytes - 4a5bdb2f - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:18
& A4 v3 P+ k8 d0 ]6 K% Q& h  ]" a( x) |C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll    , loaded at 0x708a0000 - 295936 bytes - 4ce7b73e - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:16" z5 X2 i- ]) e; u
C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.18837_none_ec86b8d6858ec0bc\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x70a60000 - 530432 bytes - 553a83e2 - file date is 4/25/2015 01:57:00
7 W% V; h% q- f/ ?! v! QC:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll   , loaded at 0x71480000 -  9216 bytes - 4a5bdb5a - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:22  R+ l! I2 v8 A5 ]* ^$ {& E& \
C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll    , loaded at 0x71490000 - 231424 bytes - 57334da8 - file date is 5/11/2016 23:19:18
5 a0 a  E( O3 n$ [3 F/ r# h0 X+ vC:\Windows\System32\PROPSYS.dll    , loaded at 0x716c0000 - 988160 bytes - 4ce7b983 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:10
6 S* \7 I$ l' c; ?C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll      , loaded at 0x71df0000 - 194048 bytes - 4ce7ba42 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:18
& s7 n+ O3 ~  r4 r2 C1 O" yC:\Windows\system32\WINSTA.dll     , loaded at 0x71f60000 - 157696 bytes - 53c72936 - file date is 7/17/2014 09:40:04
% @, M+ o7 k. R  `9 ~8 Q- J6 g3 WC:\Windows\system32\samcli.dll     , loaded at 0x72280000 - 51200 bytes - 4ce7b9a0 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:23:561 t$ k; I" v2 x. u- b
C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll    , loaded at 0x723a0000 - 22016 bytes - 57349ef8 - file date is 5/12/2016 23:18:34
7 U" N3 ~: K" DC:\Windows\system32\RpcRtRemote.dll, loaded at 0x72420000 - 46080 bytes - 4ce7992f - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:164 m5 x: C+ N8 _4 |
C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL     , loaded at 0x72620000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bdb43 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:20
7 P2 Z* e, o; b5 v& `) ~C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL   , loaded at 0x72630000 - 103936 bytes - 4ce7b859 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:34
8 K+ X/ N8 s5 [/ o* J7 t3 MC:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll    , loaded at 0x73ba0000 - 31744 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:14
) @# S% ~; ?( A1 Q8 Z9 v6 q* `C:\Windows\system32\USERENV.dll    , loaded at 0x73bb0000 - 81920 bytes - 4ce7ba28 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:18+ m0 e2 ]3 L( ^" }
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C:\Windows\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV   , loaded at 0x74930000 - 320000 bytes - 4ce7ba4b - file date is 11/21/2010 11:24:10
2 u5 T+ l" w9 Y8 B. S* r1 dC:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll    , loaded at 0x74990000 - 21504 bytes - 4a5bdb2b - file date is 7/14/2009 09:16:18
' C% F8 J' b' r( f6 ^+ w2 ?1 h& sC:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll  , loaded at 0x74a60000 - 36352 bytes - 5734987a - file date is 5/12/2016 22:51:40
) R0 [9 }) D. ^C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll    , loaded at 0x74a70000 - 96768 bytes - 57349ed0 - file date is 5/12/2016 23:18:42+ U, f9 L( w) Q7 d1 F
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C:\Windows\syswow64\SETUPAPI.dll   , loaded at 0x74c20000 - 1667584 bytes - 4ce7b9d9 - file date is 11/21/2010 11:23:52, a9 X4 m/ E# U1 e- L
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) B$ w1 `6 M% I) jC:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll      , loaded at 0x74ed0000 - 627712 bytes - 563902f2 - file date is 11/4/2015 02:56:20
4 z+ M; j5 a) j4 \4 w+ GC:\Windows\syswow64\SHELL32.dll    , loaded at 0x74f70000 - 12875776 bytes - 55c39c76 - file date is 8/7/2015 01:44:52% ^& O- f0 b4 `+ K9 K4 N
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C:\Windows\syswow64\WININET.dll    , loaded at 0x75c60000 - 1129472 bytes - 55b00116 - file date is 7/23/2015 04:46:20
1 }  L; K- E% c( y5 L- lC:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll      , loaded at 0x75d80000 - 828928 bytes - 54b9c914 - file date is 1/17/2015 10:30:44
; i" b1 h+ t- H6 |9 u: LC:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll     , loaded at 0x75e50000 - 690688 bytes - 4eeaf722 - file date is 12/16/2011 15:53:00
5 ~  \5 x3 d) PC:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPT32.dll    , loaded at 0x75f00000 - 1168384 bytes - 52506fc6 - file date is 10/6/2013 03:57:26, ?4 \/ a5 c7 _4 s+ @
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